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THK: ~Kifo cha Audi~ {NEW REF}




Look who got a promotion? Kifo and I did! Kiffs looks mad here now that she has power :eyes:

~ Put on your war paint! You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down. Strike a match and I'll burn you to the ground! We are the jack-o-lanterns in July ~

P R I M A R Y ~ I N F O

Present Full Name: Kifo cha Audi
Present Name: Kifo
Present Full Name Meaning: Death of the Enemy
Present Name Meaning: Death
Present Full Name Pronunciation: Kee-foe ~ ch-ah ~ ah-do-ee
Present Name Pronunciation: Kee-foe
Past Full Name: Vivuli ya Mwanga Mwezi
Past Name: Vivuli
Past Full Name Meaning: Shadows of the Moon's Light
Past Name Meaning: Shadows
Past Full Name Pronunciation: Vee-vool-ee ~ yah ~ wan-ga ~ wheeze-ee
Past Name Pronunciation: Vee-vool-ee
Reason Behind Both Names:
PastKifo's old name, Vivuli, was chosen by her mother Kumtia not because of her pelt, but the time she was born. It was a full moon that night, and the light seemed to shine down on the little newborn cub, making her slight silver under the bright glow. But it all changed as dawn began to break through, and Kumtia's surviving cub's pelt was revealed to be a dusty color, thus giving her the name Vivuli at the beginning, and ya Mwanga Mwezi at the end.
PresentThe reason why Kifo changed her name from Vivuli was all sparked by one thing. Hatred. Her darkened heart was pure meaning behind that. Kifo was suitable to her, seeing she had already caused death herself, the very thing that got her exiled in the first place. And since she was considered the Enemy of all the Tribes, Kifo decided to add cha Audi, of the Enemy, to the end of her name to make hear truly frightening indeed.
Nicknames: Kiffy, Kiffs, Kiff, Kiki, Vivuli (NOTE: She will kill you if you call her by any of these names)
Age: 5 Cycles, 10 Moons
Gender: She-cat (Female)
Coalition: Zamani Dhambi Coalition
Rank: Leader
How She Earned Said Occupation: After the death of Hodari, her predecessor, Kifo instantly blamed the Tribes for it and offered herself up for control of the Coalition. This, of course, made Kifo unpopular with certain members within the Coalition, and soon a fight broke out for dominance. However, because of her age and skill in combat (backed up with her own strength too) Kifo defeated her opponents with ease, but decided to let them live. From that moment on, she came into control completely, changing the name Black Babukurs to Zamani Dhambi to resemble her own sins of the past...

~ Setting fire to the sky. He-here comes this rising tide, so come on! Put on your war paint! ~

S E CO N D A R Y ~ I N F O

Breed: Kifo's breed is a cross between a darker coloration of an Isabelline (cream) cheetah and an Erythristic (red) cheetah. However, Woolly cheetah blood runs in her veins along with a trace of Melanistic (black) cheetah too.
Gift: Gift of Tainted Fangs None. Kifo no longer believes in the Keepers.
Birth Season: Summer
Birth Month: July
Birth Day: 28th
Height: 36.7 inches from shoulder
Weight: 116 pounds
Accessories: [Made By Her] [2/2]
Harris Hawk Feather Kifo had this feather ever since she was a Tyro back in her old Tribe. The feather serves as a reminder to her about how much she loathed the Tribes back than. It also serves as a sign of great Wisdom and Authority over others to her and Kifo often says the Feather is a special object to not only her, but everyone else as well.
Cheetah Fang Talisman & Fabric CollarKifo got this gruesome accessory after she killed Madhara in a challenged fight that SHE created. Proud of her bloody victory, Kifo only found it right to wrench out the fang of her enemy and wear it around her neck like a Trophy. Kifo views this accessory as something that seals her fearsome status as Leader and gives a strong, powerful aura that others don't dare question.
Not too long after her battle for power, Kifo decided to upgrade her talisman with none other then a collar she had found the other night when she was out strolling near the human village. She never takes it off unless she feels like it, which is quite rare.
[Accessories Others Gave Her] [0/1]

~ Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-dies, silver clouds with grey linings! So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked. One maniac at a time we will take it back ~

P H Y S I C A L ~ A P P E A R A N C E


Brief Description: These multiple scars were created during her time as a Sentry, but the majority of them came from Kifo's bloodthirsty battle against Madhara. The scars on her tail were created by a bite as well as the ones on her back. The other scars are from the claws of her enemies, but the most significant one would be the scar on her nose. Once again, Madhara was the one the blame for that. As for her ear scars, they were just victims of multiple fights, or for one, a run-in with an angry farmer. Ever since the Tribes invaded the Land, Kifo has gained new scars along her underbelly too. New additions such as the check scar was given to her by none other then one of her opponents.

Detailed Description:

Right Ear Notches & Eye ScarKifo earned these two notches in two completely different points in her life. The first notch, the smaller one, was inflicted on her during her cub days. She had caught it on a branch when trying to get a mossball that was kicked too far from her reach. Instead of retrieving it, she ripped a notch up on a sharp sticking out twig. This notch was her first ever scar, yet Kifo lies about it's true origins, always saying she got it when she fought off a leopard. Her second notch was inflicted on her during her fight with the old rouge, Madhara (Harm). Since Madhara was older than her by three Cycles, the old tom gave Kifo greater wounds in the fight. The notch was caused when Madhara pinned the she-cheetah down and swiped her across her face as Kifo moved. This move also caused Kifo to have a scar near her eye.

Left Ear Notches - Just like her right ear, Kifo's left ear has two notches; one a semi-circle, the other a normal rip. However, the semi-circle notch was in fact inflicted on her when she tried to steal some cattle from Farmers in her earlier cycles as a Loner in the New Land. Kifo of course was caught and, in response, one of the Farmers shot at her with his rifle. Lucky for Kifo, it missed her head, only leaving a semi-circle in her ear. As for the next notch, Kifo got it when she was a Tyro still. She had decided to take on a full grown Sentry, which landed her into some big trouble considering the brute easily defeated her and, in the process, ripped her ear. Fortunately for her, it wasn't as bad as her other notches.

Back ScarThis tough cheetah earned this scar when she was fighting Madhara, a well known old rouge that was feared by others. She had been walking in a defensive circle at the beginning of the battle, targeting a possible weak spot on the old tom before striking. Madhara was doing the same, except he struck first to Kifo's surprise. She had no time to dodge for Madhara was already on her, digging his claws onto her back. As Kifo shook the red cheetah off of her, Madhara's claws tore her flesh, causing a slightly deep wound to appear on the she-cheetah's back. Nowadays, Kifo isn't bothered by this scar, since it wasn't a major blow to her spine that could've crippled or even killed her.

Tail Scars:Kifo earned these two scars at completely different times; one from her fight with Madhara, the other inflicted during her battle for power. The first one, the longer scar, was inflicted on her when she gave Madhara a violent blow to his face, blinding him on his right side. Unfortunately for her, Madhara went into a rage and managed to sink his claws into her tail-base and sank his teeth into her long tail. The second one was given to her by Shetani, one of the cheetahs whom she fought. Shetani somehow had a grasp on Kifo's tail when she (Kifo) was distracted. These two moves at different times still caused great pain for Kifo, and sometimes the scars left behind hurt whenever she moves her tail.

Hind Legs & Haunches ScarsThese scars were one Kifo's first ever scars from war when she was just only a Tyro. It was during a fight against the Tribe of Crooked Tree on a moonlit night. Being her first battle, Kifo had little experience. So when facing her first enemy opponent in the real deal, she was slightly scared, making her lose her guard. The older, experienced enemy Sentry took this to their advantage, and sliced at her hind legs mockingly. As for her haunches, Kifo earned these from none other then her battle for power once again! The she-cat had been ambushed by another of her Coalition mates when dealing with her first opposer, and because the cheetah's claws had sunk in and she move, the flesh was torn, creating the new scars she has today.

Shoulder & Front Leg Scars (Left)These scars were caused when Kifo fought off a Rouge in the new Land, just after her old caretaker passed away. This rouge wanted the gazelle she had just caught and challenged her for it. Wanting to teach this rude she-cheetah a lesson on demanding for prey others had put the effort to catch, Kifo fought off the rouge. However, during the process her right shoulder and leg got badly scratched when the rival she-cat managed to get a grip on them. Most of the scars from that experience have been hidden by fur, but the more major and massive ones are displayed by the public eye still. Kifo doesn't mind them really though, since she knows that these scars were worth it in the end.

Shoulder & Front Leg Scars (Right) - These scars were given to her during the battle between Crooked Tree and the Black Babukurs, the old name of the Coalition. Of course, these scars she is slightly ashamed to show off considering she didn't really beat up her opponent. After all, he was none other then an arrogant tom by the name of Kemikali, a Sentry whom recently joined the Tribes ranks and apparent son of Vumbi, the Chief himself. During her fight with him, the tom managed to swipe at her shoulder, creating her new scars. As for the leg ones, well they were caused when Kifo tried to catch him, only for her to fall and land on a few sharp rocks, causing them to tear away at her leg.

Chest & Neck ScarsOnce again, these scars were inflicted from Madhara in her fight for dominance over the Land as a Tyrant. Before Kifo was pinned down for a slash at her face, the old wise tom had aimed a death blow to Kifo's neck. Luckily he only scraped his claws not too deep enough to kill her, and that he had missed her whole neck, the blow only going half-way across. But what made it hurt more was the fact that Kifo actually moved, making the claws rake down from the neck and slice right along her chest. This move made Kifo lose concentration, eventually ending up with her getting pinned down. There, the tom sliced at her lower chest to the left side, which only added fire into Kifo's heart.

Underbelly Scars Another addition to Kifo's scar collection is the long ones located at on her underbelly itself. These scars were inflicted upon her when she was fighting against Kemikali yet again. She had misjudged her lunge towards the young tom to pin him down underneath her, and because of that little mistake she paid the price. Even though they missed her soft belly, the scars did take a good toll out of the dusty-pelted cheetess. However, despite her agony, Kifo kept on going on, not bothering to rest and give in to a cheetah lesser then her. Nowadays they provide her with another reason to ensure that she is a pure survivor against the Tribes, and that she would gladly do it again for her beloved Coalition.

Natural Appearance:

Brief Description: Kifo is a muscular, broad-shoulder female cheetah with a dusty brown pelt. Her spots are a darker brown, and her messy short mane has a mixture of black, light brown, and her spot color. Due to many fights, Kifo is littered with scars, showing just how vicious she could get to some. Kifo's deep violet eyes give off a sinister look to those who meet their gaze into her's, giving Kifo an advantage in intimidation. Kifo also smells of rock and dried up earth, along with a hint of fresh water. Her voice is harsh, raspy and gravely whenever she speaks. It also reveals all her unhappy and sadistic nature, but to those who see past it, it shows one thing: Pain and longing.

Detailed Description:

Dusty Brown PeltKifo's dusty brown pelt was quite unordinary, considering her Parents were cream and red cheetahs. However, it didn't mean that she hadn't inherited anything of the sort from her parents side. Kifo had the same pelt as her Grandfather from her Mother's side, which explains why her Parents genes didn't work to create her own unique pelt, since her Mother's and Father's genes were much stronger than thought. The darker brown spots, especially some of the big ones, were due to her Mother's genes, since Kumtia had a bloodline full of cheetahs with this similar trait in their genes. Kifo's mane came from her Father's side, and boy, did it go messy. Fortunately for her, it was too short for some cheetah to mistake her for a male one.

Amethyst EyesKifo's most unnatural feature, her bright purple-like eyes. Yes, her eyes were indeed unusual for her, and was a big source for the amount of bullying from others back when she was merely a cub. No one, not even her early known ancestors, had eyes like hers. Some nicknamed her the 'Weird One' since she looked nothing like her Parents apart from her small mane and spots. Indeed, she would easily be mistaken for someone else's cub. Nowadays, Kifo is glad to have such a unique pair of eyes, for it helps send fear and intimidation to those who oppose her, especially enemies wanting her territory. Her amethyst eyes also help identify her in the darkest of nights for her Coalitions own purposes.

BuildKifo's muscular build is subject to most of her shown strength. She would easily be mistaken for a male rather than a female from a far distance, or even up close. Only a fool could deem her male without looking at her short mane. Kifo's broad-shoulders show all the strength she has right to her paws. Even her tail, that is long and elegant, can be used as a sort of weapon while in combat, the reason why she has a few scars on it. But with her muscles comes her hated weakness. She can't run far distances, due to her weight and muscularity, like most normal Tribe Sentries have in common. Unknown to most, Kifo wasn't born with a muscular appearance; instead, she gained strength from extensive training at a young age.

Long TailKifo's long, elegant tail serves as not only a source of balance to her, but also a weapon. Being it her way, Kifo can easily whack someone with her tail by making stiff on impact, but at a price. Not only does it hurt, but her tail could easily be shredded by the teeth and claws of foes, something she doesn't want happening. So instead, Kifo only uses her tail for either show off or balance when running or climbing. Kifo rarely uses her tail in combat, but she may use it to take out her annoyance on someone very unfortunate to find themselves on her bad side. Since Kifo's tail is long in length by seven inches, she can curl it right over her paws or use it to weave around a tree trunk or branch.

VoiceKifo's voice is easy to recognize for it's cold, raspy touch. It is known to show all her emotions to some cheetahs, which is mostly filled with some dark, unpleasant aura. Kifo's voice usually gets stronger and louder if she gets really angered or for Meetings. But if she goes impatient, she it would always go into a sarcastic, and sometimes rude, manner. If she is upset, Kifo will try hiding it with an blunt response and a hard look on her face. If she is in her triumphant or insane moments, the she-cheetah's voice would usually crack. Worst of all is her mad laugh. It chills the hearts of those who hear it.

Scent - Kifo's scent is mainly that of rock, dried up earth, along with it's signature hint of thorn bush and African Violets. Cheetahs who have ran into her before can easily recognise this strange combination.

~ You know time crawls on when you're waiting for the song to start! So dance alone to the beat of your heart... Hey young blood! Doesn't it feel like our time is running out? ~

E X T R A ~ I N F O

- Kifo's old name was Vivuli, which means Shadows in English
- Kifo's old Tribe was Sunning Rock
- She has a soft spot for cubs
- Though she may look and act mean, Kifo is actually just a hurt soul inside
- She was once a member of the Black Babukur Coalition until Hodari died and she gained power

- Kifo was first created as a King Cheetah from an Unknown Tribe that always haunted Upepo's dreams, giving her night terrors
- I have changed Kifo's whole design since last month
- I sort of based some minor stuff off of Zira from The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride to create Kifo

* Intimidating Foes
* War
* Defeating foolish cheetahs challenging her authority
* Cubs
* Keeping to herself
* Giving out orders
* Planning strategies
* The Tribes
* Defeat
* Getting kicked off her territory
* Starving
* Foolish cheetahs
* Being called a coward or weakling
* Someone calling her by her old name, Vivuli
* Acrophobia - Fear of heights
* Defeat
* Losing/Failure

~ I'm gonna change you like a remix. Then I'll raise you like a phoenix! You're wearing our vintage misery! No, I think it looked a little better on me ~

R E L A T I O N S H I P ~ I N F O

Sexual Info:

Sexuality: Heterosexual - Attraction to the opposite sex
Mate: Ashura N/A
Crush: N/A
First Kiss: Ashura
Other Kisses: Ashura
Lover Type: Kifo isn't the type of she-cat who instantly goes all mushy and caring over her lover; no instead she will play hard to get! Snappiness, feisty attitude, and false assurances that she hates them even though she knows it's a lie all shows that she's interested in someone. Of course, this can vary, depending on the personality of her attraction. When she comes to terms with her feelings does she start feeling protective, and end up admitting her feelings towards her attraction.
Preferences: A strong cheetah that hates the invading Tribes as much as herself. The tom must be loyal to her and just as cunning too. He must be around her age or above, and will never challenge her to a fight for power. The tom of Kifo's dreams must also love to have cubs with her, and can be mysterious needless to say. Kifo also wants the perfect mate to have a unique pelt color, for example an Albino or a Erythristic (Red) cheetah.

Mentorship Info:

Mentor: Roho kutoka Angani (Roho)
Tyro: N/A

Family Info:

Father: Ndege ya Kipanga (Ndege)
Mother: Mvua Kumtia Mto (Kumtia)
Sister: Badriya
Brother: Endesha
Half-Sisters: Kushinda ni Kila Kitu (Kushinda) & Maua Katika Jangwa (Maua)
Half-Brothers: Wakali Hukumu (Wakali), Imani Kinyume & Kejeli ya Wengine

~ I'm gonna change you like a remix. Then I'll raise you like a phoenix! Bring home the boys and scrap scrap metal the tanks! Get hitched and make a career out of robbing banks! ~

M I S C ~ I N F O

Voice Actress: Zira {The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride}
Theme Songs:
- E for Extinction - Thousand Foot Krutch
- Monster - Paramore
- New Divide - Linkin Park
- I Will Not Bow - Breaking Benjamin
- So Cold - Breaking Benjamin
- Dance With the Devil - Breaking Benjamin
- The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy

Theme Tunes:
- See What I've Become - Zack Hemsey
- Tomanday - Resident Evil OST
- Unchained - Baptiste Thiry

~ Because the world is just a teller and we are wearing black masks "You broke our spirit," says the note we pass! So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked. One maniac at a time we will take it back ~


Strength - 8/10
Balance - 6/10
Speed - 3/10
Endurance - 7/10
Tactics - 8/10
Attack - 9/10
Defense - 6/10
Reaction - 4/10

Sense of smell - 5/10
Hearing - 6/10
Sight - 5/10

Need for affection - 3/10
Affection - 2/10 (if you are not her mate!)
Playfulness - 3.2/10
Independence - 1/10
Intelligence - 7.6/10

~ You know time crawls on when you're waiting for the song to start. So dance alone to the beat of your heart... Hey young blood! Doesn't it feel like our time is running out? I'm gonna change you like a remix. Then I'll raise you like a phoenix! ~

P E R S O N A  L I T Y

:bulletgreen: Positive: {Brave} {Tolerant} {Loyal} {Playful} {Optimistic} {Cunning}
:bulletyellow: Neutral:  {Deceptive} {Intimidating} {Dependent} {Slightly Flirty}
:bulletred: Negative: {Harsh} {'Corrupted'} {Merciless} {Hostile} {Vengeful} {Sensitive}

:bulletgreen: BraveKifo is by doubt a brave cheetah! She would do anything to protect members of her Coalition, even if it means putting her life on the edge. But she doesn't seem to care, so long as those she loves and herself are safe from threat. Kifo's bravery is one of the things that makes her a good leader if in a small group or pair and how she puts up with any challenges over her reign from younger cheetahs. This trait also inspires younger rouges to follow in her paw prints and grow up to fight alongside/or against her if lucky. When facing off Crooked Tree during the Tribes unsuccessful raid, Kifo proved her absolute bravery to her Coalition back when she was a member, if not showed it during the fight for power.

:bulletgreen: TolerantA good thing that Kifo posses is her tolerance to others in her Coalition. This is the only time she tolerates stupidity from younger cheetahs or cubs disobeying orders and rules. She also tolerates challenges with a flick of her tail and a laugh, knowing her opponent had not a single chance against her. Because she can be tolerant and calm with young adolescents or some naive cheetah, some show signs of deep respect towards her as if she was their Leader. As Kifo always says, "Tolerance to allies is always a good way to earn aide from them in times of trouble." Her tolerable nature has also made her quite a good Leader considering she put it to use when creating her rules.

:bulletgreen: LoyalLoyalty comes first for this cheetah! All of Kifo's loyalty that once belonged to her old Tribe and those she loved quickly attached itself onto herself like vines wrapping around a tree. Loyalty is what comes first in Kifo's eye, and anyone disobeying that rule will be instantly punished in her view. To insure the safety of this trait with the next generation, or any other cheetah who truly belonged here, Kifo would tell any one she comes across all about it, maybe even feeding them a few lies about the Tribes to ensure that happens, due to them being kicked out of important areas. In other words, Kifo would never betray her Group for another, and has vowed to never, ever, fall in love with a Tribe cheetah, seeing it as filth.

:bulletgreen: PlayfulA very weird side to her, Kifo still seems to keep her playfulness intact even though she is 5 Cycles and 7 moons of age. Not only that, but it seems Kifo only shows her playful, mischievous side with those closest to her, or young lonely cubs. This greatly surprises and freaks out cheetahs who witness this, for they always viewed this tough she-cheetah to be a mature, but strict cheetah. But this trait gives them a new view on her, and this greatly speculates theories to others that becomes false stories told to cubs. Not only that, but it can also make her quite attractive to toms who like she-cats with a lively and mischievous streak in them despite their known moods.

:bulletgreen: Optimistic - A new trait Kifo has gained is her optimism towards certain situations. The she-cat is capable of figuring things out for herself as well as twist them into her own ways so they would not cause any harm or trouble to her Coalition. And since becoming Leader, this trait has began to show even more. Since she is looked up to for ideas or ways to survive a life of living with her mortal enemies, the Tribes, Kifo has learnt to be extra observant of the going ons around herself and her beloved Coalition. Kifo also makes sure to appeal to a cheetah's nature whom is outside of the Zamani Dhambi Coalition to gain new allies or keep on eye on them if they are suspicious looking.

:bulletgreen: CunningKifo is very cunning when it comes to tricky situations or plans to invade. Her tactics come in handy in this trait also, for it helps her on the battle field and strategy. Not only that, but she could easily lure cats into her own sadistic trap if she deems them worthy enough, let alone play all nice kitty on males in the Tribes who are too stupid to realize that she's tricking them into blurting out secrets. Yes, Kifo can be a very sly, cunning, nasty cheetah when it comes to destroying the Tribes. This trait is one of her good, useful traits, and helps strengthen her title indeed. Ever since gaining control over the Coalition, Kifo's cunning has improved a majority as well as her Leadership too.

:bulletyellow: Deceptive - Kifo can be extremely deceptive thanks to her silver-tongue. Ever since she was a cub, Kifo had been known for her mastery of lying towards others, including those she trusted and called her friends. She only uses this trait of her's whenever she feels the need to befriend a cheetah whom she finds immensely suspicious. She may even deceive others into thinking she is a weak, elderly cheetess until the last minute when she shows how wrong they exactly were! This side of her's can be used as a negative as well, since it makes her untrustworthy towards some cheetahs or even confusing considering they all don't know what exactly is going on in their Leader's mind.

:bulletyellow: IntimidatingAnother good thing about Kifo is her intimidation. In this trait, Kifo acts all harsh, strict, and bad-tempered, while at the same time she is being sly and cunning. Kifo has the right looks to give off such a powerful, diplomatic side to her. Trust me, her eyes and scars is all she really needs to scare someone into submission, or make them feel insecure. Not only that, but when she is intimidating, Kifo is really just doing to get more respect and authority over others, rarely doing it to just show off her powerful she is. I'd tell you, you would not want to meet her while she is acting this way! As she gained absolute power over her Coalition, Kifo's intimidation skills have doubled.

:bulletyellow: DependantKifo may look and act tough, but deep down inside, the dusty she-cheetah knows that she wouldn't have lasted long alone. This is one of the main reasons why she uses other cheetahs to her advantage: they provide food and protection for her. Being around with others gives Kifo her safety, and since she is extremely cunning, she can tell them what to do without sounding offensive. Her dependent trait is neutral depending on the situation. One is for certain though, Kifo hates being alone for more than a minute, seeing strength in numbers too. However, her dependent persona has improved a little now that she is Leader of the Coalition.

:bulletyellow: Slightly Flirty - Kifo can be flirty on her own unique way. This trait only unlocks itself when the she-cheetah feels like she has some sort of connection with a certain male or she wants to manipulate someone to her bidding. This trait brings out her charismatic movements such as her purr, tail rubbing under chin, or batting at ears. Her voice will go into a seductive type tone to make her more appealing to possible mates or victims. The eye narrowing always does the job and would instantly make someone fall for her (if they are that kind of cheetah.) Other than that, if they aren't, than Kifo will try harder. Sometimes this trait may come in handy when it comes to her wanting an heir too, considering she had "lost" her litter.

:bulletred: HarshDo not be fooled; this cheetah can be quite the harsh one at times of great stress and annoyance. Kifo's harshness gives her an iron fist and strikes some fear into the hearts of some outsiders. Even her voice sounds harsh when she is in one of her infamous moods and dire situations. With this trait also comes her impatience, making her sometimes have some rather unfortunate screaming at unlucky rouges. She also uses this trait to make the rules too, and creates punishments for cheetahs who disobey them on purpose or accident. This harshness has also doubled in size ever since she fought her way to complete power, always using it to make harsh punishments to those who disobey the rules.

:bulletred: 'Corrupted'Some cheetahs who know Kifo very well may say that she acts her usual way due to being 'corrupted' sometime in her harsh past. Indeed, Kifo shows signs of that with her harsh nature, and very few times did someone hear her muttering about the Tribes while in her Den. Kifo's corruption grew ever since she was exiled from Sunning Rock, and seeped even more into her soul as she journeyed through those dark tunnels that led her to her destiny. Though most make up stories about how Kifo came to be, even legends on her 'corrupted half', but none of them are even close enough to the dark truth. No, whenever the cheetahs hear Kifo speak of these 'tribes' they have got no clue what she is referring to. However, they found out her problem.

:bulletred: MercilessThis trait only comes towards the Tribes and on the battle-field after they invade the Tribeless land. Kifo will not hesitate to injure, or even kill if she needed too, another cheetah. She would absolutely not show any signs or remorse to her enemies, and would do anything to break them and send word, no matter what. If she wanted to, she may even darn well take in a prisoner of war and hold them captive to get the rest of the Tribe to either surrender, or start another battle. Kifo may even punish a cheetah who has a relationship/connection with another Tribe cheetah, for that is just how she hates the Tribes. This trait has also doubled ever since she gained control.

:bulletred: HostileKifo has always been completely hostile ever since she was a Tyro. Her hostility grew even more when she was exiled and became the Coalition's new leader after finding the new land. To satisfy her own paranoia and reputation, Kifo is shown to fight cheetahs before making deals with them. It was when rumors started surging of cheetahs chasing out the rouges and loners from certain areas of the land did Kifo began to get suspicious. Her belief was that the Tribes had found her scent in the dark tunnels back on the Island, followed her, and found a much more suitable place to live. She would soon find out... And when she did, Kifo was just as livid as everyone else!

:bulletred: VengefulDo not be fooled; Kifo is very vengeful to those she can not ever forgive or hate. For those who done her wrong, Kifo always finds ways to strike at them back where it hurts. This is what exactly motivated her to murder her Mentor, for all that he had done to her. She will try and do the same with the Tribes too, since now they not only hurt her, but they hurt others too. Hate is one thing, but something as great as this can do so much damage on Kifo that it literally stays with her forever. She will never stop until she gets her revenge, and the only way to stop her is if she was killed beforehand. Even now she still thirsts to spill the blood of her enemies across the Land or die trying.

:bulletred: SensitiveKifo is very sensitive on touchy issues or subjects about her past. If some cheetah presses her on about her mysterious ways, or questions her dependency to the point they state weak, she will instantly snap into her aggressive nature. Worse off, she could easily start acting a little "insane" some call it and go on a ugly rage. Kifo is indeed someone not to mess with. Although she says that this trait is something of strength, others disagree with her secretly. Not only that, but the topic of cubs or anything of the sort relating to Motherhood could easily drive her up the wall of depression, rage, and sometimes silence, since it reminds her of her missing cubs.

~ You're wearing our vintage misery; No, I think it looked a little better on me! I'm gonna change you like a remix. Then I'll raise you like a phoenix! Put on your war paint ~


~ The war is won. Before it's begun. Release the doves, surrender love (Wave the white flag!) Hey young blood! ~

R E L A T I O N S H I P ~ T H O U G H T S

Heart Chart: N/A
Relationship Thoughts: Click Me!

~ Doesn't it feel like our time is running out? I'm gonna change you like a remix. Then I'll raise you like a phoenix! You're wearing our vintage misery; No, I think it looked a little better on me! I'm gonna change you like a remix. Then I'll raise you like a phoenix! ~

R P ~ I N F O

*Notes - Always!
*Chats - Depends whether you're on or not; but very rarely
*Comments - Again, rarely
* Skype - Yup! Name is djkito9

Role-Play Examples: 

Taken from a RP using my THK character Damu:

Smiling when he saw his little sister awake, Damu nudged her in a augur manner. "Mom's telling a story of her encounter with the snake!" he explained briefly before hearing Nyoka's words. After she finished, the red cub's green orbs lit up. So she had kept skins of the snakes from her encounters? And they were in his Father's den! This made Damu think for a moment. "Can we see them later? Me, you and Kutu? If she's interested that is..." he asked, trailing off as he cast his gaze on the darker red pelt of Kutu.

The red tom than began to imagine himself encountering his first ever snake. Would he kill it? Or would Nyoka come and kill it, just like her Mother had on her first encounter with the sneaky serpent? No, he would kill it and take one of it's fangs as a little trophy to prove to his Mom what he did. Not only that, but it would show he was brave for a cub his age! And maybe... just maybe Vumbi would notice him as something more than a useless cub...

~ Hey young blood - Doesn't it feel - like our time is running out? I'm gonna change you like a remix - Then I'll raise you like a phoenix! Put on your war paint ~

Kifo (c) Kitonika9 (me)
Lyrics (c) Fall Out Boy
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© 2014 - 2024 Kitonika9
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Katsuraii's avatar
I finished it!!!!!!!!!!! Just gonna leave it here: note me otay? We need to put some rules on this and an ending date.